
This article explains the role of prepress in the printing process. Learn how prepress activities ensure quality and accuracy in printed materials.


This article emphasizes the critical role of prepress in the printing process, outlining techniques, workflow automation, and checklists to guarantee outputs align with original designs.

The global digital printing industry was worth $27.3 billion in 2022, and it is predicted that by 2030, its worth will be equal to $47.1 billion, growing at 7.1% each year. 

The prepress process is essential to ensuring that the output is perfect for printing and publishing, regardless of whether you want to print graphical outputs like billboards, banners, or newspapers or traditional outputs like novels, magazines, or newspapers.

This is because prepress in printing entails several steps that culminate in high-quality prints, including file preparation, color correction, image editing, and final proofreading.

Thus, it takes place after the client submits a file to print and before the actual printing takes place. The main purpose of prepress in printing is to prevent any unwanted design modifications and maintain the overall impact of the layout.

In this article, we will understand the important role of prepress in printing, along with its techniques, workflow, recent trends, and other essentials. 

Table of Contents:

What is Prepress?

One of the most important phases in the printing process is called prepress in the commercial printing sector. This is because it entails preparing digital files for printing in a way that ensures the final product prints precisely as intended, free from surprises or unforeseen errors. 

Nowadays, digital prepress machines are commonly used to carry out this process. These machines receive the printing information electronically. The data is converted on a printing plate, which is then used to transfer your designs onto paper during the printing process. 

Also Read: The Future of Prepress: Emerging Trends and Technologies Reshaping the Industry in 2024!

6 Stages of Prepress Production and Essential Prepress Techniques

Prepress in printing is crucial for achieving accurate and high-quality outputs. Understanding the six stages of prepress production and essential prepress techniques will help you ensure successful customer experience management along with improved efficiency, reduced costs, and shorter turnaround time.

1. File Preparation and Collection

  • You need to have a thorough understanding of file formats and resolutions in order to complete this step correctly. 
  • In the printing sector, JPEG, PDF, EPS, and TIFF are some of the most often used file types, and 300 DPI and 600 DPI are some of the most frequently used resolutions.
  • Make sure you select the right file format and resolution for a high-quality print. 
  • To ensure the accuracy of the finished print, you might also need to add bleed and crop markings, resize photos, and convert colors to CMYK during prepress preparation. A print like that can also satisfy the needs of the customer.

2. Color Correction and Proofing

  • Color management in prepress is another important stage of the prepress workflow because color accuracy helps guarantee that the final design matches the original design. 
  • This is because even minor variations in color accuracy can result in huge differences in the final output, which can leave your customers dissatisfied. 
  • Some of the prepress techniques that you can implement to ensure color accuracy include using color balance, adjusting brightness and contrast levels, and applying selective color adjustments. 
  • You can even use multiple prepress software like Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, and ColorChecker Passport.
  • Additionally, use a color-calibrated monitor and print test sheet to check color accuracy under different lighting conditions. 

3. Image Manipulation and Retouching

  • Prepress in printing is important because you might come across certain circumstances where it becomes unavoidable to manipulate and retouch images. 
  • To be able to do so effectively, you must have a clear understanding of image resolution and DPI. Image resolution is the number of pixels in an image, while DPI is the number of dots per inch in a printed image. 
  • Some of the prepress techniques that will help you with image manipulation and retouching are the clone stamp tool, applying a sharpening or blur tool, and adjusting levels and curves. 
  • The prepress software and tools that will facilitate these techniques are GIMP, Affinity Photo, and Adobe Photoshop. 

4. Proofreading and Copyediting

  • In this stage of prepress in printing, you will be able to identify and correct any typos or grammatical errors.
  • With copyediting, you can also convert low-quality output into high-quality output by identifying issues like lack of proper flow and incorrect sentence formation or word choice.  

5. Font Spacing and Alignment

  • A high-quality print must have font size, type, and alignment that is visually appealing and easily legible. 
  • This means that during prepress, you must check the spacing between fonts or letters. The spacing should be consistent throughout the output while ensuring legibility.
  • Additionally, the font size and type should also be such that they are easily readable by all users.

6. Final Proofing and File Delivery

  • In this stage of prepress workflow, you will need to proof the final print and then deliver these files to the printer. 
  • To ensure that the final print reflects the original design, you must follow practices like printing test sheets, reviewing the printed sheets under different lighting conditions, and checking for errors and inconsistencies.
  • After final proofing, some of the ways through which you can send files include email, delivering files in person through a CD or USB drive, or uploading to a file-sharing service.
  • You must choose the appropriate method of file delivery so that the final print is of high quality and meets the customer’s expectations, thus fulfilling the primary objective of prepress in printing.

Prepress Automation and Modern Printing

Prepress in printing is an unavoidable practice that should be followed by everyone. In the era of modern printing, prepress automation is an emerging trend that will optimize efficiency and streamline prepress workflows for the best results. 

1. Prepress Production Software

Use prepress production software like CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and Adobe Creative Suite to get automation features. These features will help you streamline your prepress workflow and save time.

For instance, these softwares will allow you to set up preflight checks to ensure that there are no errors and, thus, no costly mistakes. Preflight checks cover the above six steps of prepress production. 

You can even choose to process your files in batches, with the same settings applied automatically to each batch. This will also make it easy for you to adhere to prepress standards like the PDF/X file format, which supports a seamless flow of digital data workflows. This will ensure that the rendering matches the client’s requirements and specific ISO printing standards required for different types of printing.

2. Cloud-Based Workflows

Cloud-based workflows are gaining popularity in prepress production because they support remote collaboration which helps streamline processes and improve the overall efficiency of prepress in printing. 

It also allows team members to work on the same file simultaneously, eliminating the need for physical proofing and file transfers. 

3. AI-Powered Color Correction

This is another form of prepress automation in which machine learning algorithms analyze images and automatically correct color issues. It helps save time and improve the accuracy of prepress production processes. 

Step-by-Step Prepress Checklist

If you want to ensure that you do not forget any critical steps during prepress in printing, then you must follow this prepress checklist.

Step 1: Proofread everything.

Step 2: Check font spacing and legibility.

Step 3: Confirm image dimensions and quality.

Step 4: Ensure color accuracy.

Step 5: Adjust monitors.

Step 6: Add bleed and crop marks.

Step 7: Set up imposition correctly.

Step 8: Make a high-resolution PDF.

Step 9: Choose the ideal paper for printing.

Check Out EXCLUSIVE: Hurix Mini-Book: PrePress Tips You Won’t Find Anywhere Else


Prepress in printing is crucial for ensuring that the final output matches the original design and can thus meet and exceed the client’s requirements. The key to prepress in printing lies in streamlining and automating workflows, following best practices, and collaborating with team members. 

Additionally, you can consider the Prepress and Editorial Services by Hurix Digital; you will be able to get accurate, polished, and effective content that satisfies you and your users.

Be it copyediting, proofreading, language editing, amendment or creation of style sheets, or indexing of the content, Hurix Digital will ease your prepress process with its expertise. Contact us to know more about prepress in printing.