REST API refers to the general set of protocols that allow various software to communicate data with one another. The Application Program Interface is significant and widely used. The RESTful API is representation state transfer. It is a subset of API and deals with handling HTTP requests and web applications.
Q: What is a REST API?
A: Representational State Transfer, also known as REST, is a software architectural style used to create web services. An interface known as a RESTful API allows users to create, read, update, and delete data using HTTP queries.
Q: What is the difference between REST and SOAP?
A: REST is an architectural approach, whereas SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is an XML-based messaging mechanism. REST is a better choice because SOAP uses more bandwidth and computing resources.
Q: What are the benefits of using a REST API?
A: Since REST APIs employ common HTTP techniques, they are simple to use and implement. They can also handle different data formats and are adaptable and scalable.
Q: What are the HTTP methods used in a REST API?
A: A REST API uses the HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. Data can be retrieved using GET, created using POST, updated using PUT and PATCH, and deleted using DELETE.
Q: What is a RESTful response?
A: The output that a REST API returns after an HTTP request is performed to an endpoint is known as a RESTful response. It may be in XML or JSON, among other data formats.
Q: What is versioning in REST API?
A: Maintaining many versions of the same API in order to guarantee backward compatibility is known as versioning. It facilitates a smooth transition to newer versions and helps prevent modifications that would break existing clients.
Q: What are the best practices?
A: Using clear and consistent naming conventions, making URLs straightforward and hierarchical, utilizing HTTP status codes correctly, and offering thorough documentation are some best practices for developing and deploying REST APIs.