Pre-editing and Copy Editing Services

For accurate, polished, and impactful content

We provide efficient pre-editing and copy editing services that include analysis of the input, creation of style sheets, amendment of styles, language editing, editorial proofreading, and indexing the content before being sent for the next process.

Copy editing is the process of ensuring content is correct in terms of syntax and fact, consistent with the flow of the content and style, and complete with respect to the context.

Our copyediting team has in-depth knowledge of the latest edition of various style manuals.

Our capabilities include –

Pre-editing services involves cleaning the submitted raw manuscript for unwanted spaces and breaks, followed by applying tags to the manuscript.

Style editing services involves checking the piece of work for consistency of elements such as abbreviations and acronyms, the casing of titles, head levels, captions, spelling, hyphenation, punctuation, quotations, numerals, and more.

Our team edits the content for subject-verb agreement, identifies any inconsistent parts of the content as well as any variances, and corrects them without infringing on the author’s meaning. We offer light, medium, and heavy editing services based on the publisher’s requirements.

We have developed automation in certain tasks using Hued – our AI tool. Our AI tool helps in auto document structuring, reference checking, linking reference, US-UK spell check, checklist validation, and more.

We offer Manuscript Preparation (Prep) service for books, providing our clients with a faster and efficient final formatted output.

We detect and correct production errors of text/art and ensure the document is accurate in all copyediting, proofreading, and typesetting aspects.

We create a traditional back-of-the-book index that includes names of people, places, events, and concepts that are relevant and of interest to a possible reader of the book.

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Hurix focuses on creating compelling and engaging digital content for the Education, Publishing, and Technology sectors with Training Solutionse-Learning Courses Technology Platforms being the core.

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