EP#01 The one with Steven Heffner
“EP#01 The one with Steven Heffner” Steven Heffner is the Managing Director, Publications, for IEEE, where he oversees the Institute’s portfolio of scholarly journals, books, and magazines, including the award-winning IEEE Spectrum.
Before joining IEEE in 2020, Steven was Vice President of Product Strategy at Wolters Kluwer Health, with responsibility for the Lippincott line of journals in medicine and nursing, the medical education and practice book collection, the institutional research platform Ovid, and other digital solutions for education, medical practice, and industry. Prior to Wolters Kluwer, Steven held various editorial and management positions in the trade, business, and policy sectors. Steven has served on the Executive Council of the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the American Association of Publishers, the board of the scholarly dark archive CLOCKSS, and co-chair of the PROSE Awards for excellence in scholarly and professional publishing.
Listen to the first episode where our host Scott Hanson is asking all questions with our guest Steven Heffner.“Steven Heffner” Managing Director, Publications at IEEE