UPCOMING WEBINAR | Tackling the Challenges in Large-Scale Assessment Creation with AI | 17th Dec, 8:30 AM PST

Case Study

HurixDigital Delivers Textbook and Online Solutions with 100% Content Accuracy

HurixDigital Delivers Textbook and Online Solutions with 100% Content Accuracy

Students need effective textbook solutions to master concepts and excel in their education. In order to create these solutions, we have a team of SMEs who ensure that we create and deliver high-quality academic material.

One of our clients, a leading bookseller with the largest number of retail outlets in the United States, wanted us to author error-free and plagiarism-free solutions to the questions given in academic textbooks. Our team of experts worked through the challenges and created textbook solutions as well as online solutions for the client.

Highlights of the case study:

  • Developed plagiarism-free solutions for textbooks and an online answering portal
  • Converted the solutions and questions from a word document to HTML
  • Successfully uploaded the HTML files on to the client’s server
  • Performed rigorous quality checks to ensure technical correctness and language correctness

Download the case study to know more about how Hurix helped author effective textbook solutions.

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