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Accessibility Testing Services in Canada

Making Your Website Accessible in Canada

Reinvent Technology to Adapt Diversity

The internet is a massive place that showcases a diverse form of advancement in technology. The innovation in automated technology is fluidly established on making it accessible & fit in so well that it becomes a part of our everyday routine. Technology is the fasted way to reach someone via your product or service. Therefore, making your applications or digital content service accessible to your target audience regardless of ability or disability enables the best user experience.

The Ability to Perceive

At Hurix, our team showcases to establish your digital content to be easily accessible, understood, and navigated by everyone. As technology is a fundamental right for everyone.

To firmly established this criterion our developer formulates the digital content based on accessibility testing in Canada to generate innovative and creative content to ensure diversity of perception. Most of the wearables, mobile devices, e-learning programs, interactive content, and virtual and audio-visual methods are incorporated & augmented into real practice.

  • The visual captioning of Alt Text creation
  • Audio-Visual Transcription
  • Accessible FL ePUB
  • Data about data: Metadata tagging
  • Universal Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Global SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) application
  • The Inventive Insights are based on accessibility testing services in Canada, it includes:
    1. Kitaboo
    2. Kitaboo college
    3. Kitaboo Insight
    4. ePUB Conversion
    5. Flash to HTML5 Conversion

This enables easy usability to everyone not only physically challenged, but for people including older-aged, left-handed people, children, a person holding a baby, and serval more. When formulating a digital program our team covers all the Accessibility testing guidelines in Canada for WCAG 2.0.

In The Battlefield Of Education

In the field of Education sector, our team of experts established educational e-learning software where it converts the data information at lightning speed. The computer & laptop software is provided with interactive sessions, multi-sensory experiences, positive reinforcement, individualized e-learning programs & instruction, and repetition can be useful in skill building.

We understand that one size does not fit all concepts, therefore our program is based on Usability and accessibility testing in Canada as per the WCAG. Even students with cognitive impairment & learning disabilities can be benefited from the accessible program that is custom-tailored for tutorial lessons, completing writing assignments, audio-visual learning process, and drill-and-practice work with the applied aid of computers and accessories.

The Weakling Key

The main objective of accessibility testing in Canada is to check if the guidelines are applicable and fulfilled for being easily functional and user-friendly for the user to use the specific software.

  • On the platform of digital marketing & services providing top-rated & premium quality programs and content is necessary but being accessible to everyone is also very important.
  • Hurix Digital helps your company to incorporate the program and application to be accessible to everyone.
  • We help your company to identify the potential weakling key obstacles to accessibility.
  • We apply and service your program through our free accessibility audit for your digital content website.
  • This will provide us with an insight idea of your program, and the weakling areas to be remodelled or transformed that do not synchronise with the web accessibility testing in Canada.
  • It will help us to detect the bug and will get user-oriented feedback.
  • This process will enable us to build a user-friendly program for your application.

How Does It Work?


After a detailed analysis & evaluation of your digital website, we bridge your website based on accessibility testing in Canada. Furthermore, we create a plan to make your website & program easily perceived, operate, understood, robust & simple to navigate.

  • As a developer, we approach advanced accessibility solutions that would be beneficial to the end user so that it will be an informative & knowledgeable experience.
  • We design the program by applying assistive technology, advanced aids, adaptive tools, materials, and strategies so that it will be simple to access by web users with disabilities.
  • By applying web accessibility services in Canada, the end user accessibility experience will increase and improve your website compatibility & SEO visibility in the Google search engine with assistive tools beyond the basics.
  • It provides a clear picture of your website for the end user & enabling you with realistic timelines and budgets for overall compliance.

Reach Us

If you want to make your website Usability and accessibility testing in Canada as per the WCAG 2.0, then consider Hurix Digital as your one-stop for all your institution requirements. Email us at marketing@hurix.com or You can contact us at our New York office: +1 516-521-7018.

We enable your website to confidently communicate across the globe without any middle space barrier such as language and diverse ability. We travel beyond corporate responsibility to make your website’s digital content & program accessible for an excellent business strategy. We provide advanced tools to upswing your end-user journey realistically alongside increasing your company revenue at the same time. We strive to offer the best service while simultaneously maintaining compliance and enhancing accessibility.

Our Features

Drawing on our vast experience and domain knowledge, we ensure the fulfillment of all your quality requirements.

Learning Modules

Custom Learning
Management System

Tailored Courseware

Employee Progress

Employee Report

We Follow An Inclusive Approach

We use an inclusive approach to ensure the highest quality of our K12 content solutions. We develop clear test cases and methodologies through extensive collaboration between our project initiation and testing teams to ensure thorough product knowledge and accurate results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is accessibility testing mandatory in Canada?
Yes, accessibility testing is mandatory in Canada. The Canadian Accessibility Standards require public and private sector organizations to ensure their websites and applications are accessible to people with disabilities. Organizations must also make sure their websites and applications are compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
There are a variety of tools available for accessibility testing in Canada. Some of the most popular tools include WAVE, AInspector, and Accessibility Insights. These tools can be used to evaluate the accessibility of websites and applications and to identify potential issues.
When conducting accessibility testing in Canada, it is important to consider the different types of disabilities that should be tested for. This includes visual impairments, hearing impairments, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, and cognitive disabilities. It is also important to consider the different types of assistive technologies that may be used by people with disabilities.
The Canadian Accessibility Standards are a set of regulations that outline the requirements for making websites and applications accessible to people with disabilities. The standards are based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and outline specific criteria for ensuring websites and applications are accessible to people with disabilities.
Yes, there can be penalties for not meeting the Canadian Accessibility Standards. Organizations that fail to comply with the standards may be subject to fines or other enforcement actions. It is important for organizations to ensure their websites and applications are compliant with the standards in order to avoid these penalties.

Looking for comprehensive K-12 educational content solutions that can help you improve student engagement, learning outcomes, and academic performance?

Grab a FREE Website Accessibility Audit Today!

Quickly uncover your web accessibility issues with our free ADA and WCAG compliance checker.